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Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)
人氣蠻不錯 翻譯,是本不錯的藝術設計﹐剛出書的時辰我就已在看了
Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)
作者: BTI editorial team 翻譯公司 Joint Publishing editorial team
新功能介紹- 出書社:三聯
新功能介紹 - 出書日期:2015/04/01
- 說話:英文
內容 翻譯每個細節卻真的不錯,看完有一種說不出的感動,內容精彩!
藝術設計Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)全書的內容大意
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Bijutsu Techo international version aims at introducing art and culture with a focus upon contemporary art, with a distinct scope of the third eye that is not of Europe or US, but of Asia and Japan. This spring issue is published in March of 2015 翻譯公司 a good timing with the special event Art Basel of the Art world in Hong Kong. Its more than 100 pages feature story - 100 Contemporary Artists of Our Time introduces 100 artists across the globe, helping reader to get a glimpse of the modern art scene. These articles are written by well-known art critics 翻譯公司 curators and reporters who are active art participators international-wise, providing readers with basic knowledge and explanation of each artist and their artworks. These articles are supplemented by illustrative photographs and artist’s profile 翻譯公司 making them as informative and reader-friendly as possible.
Other than the feature story, other content include Lee Kit’s ‘paper show’ and of Takashi Murakami’s ‘Artist book’. The former is a paper exhibition curated by Lee kit 翻譯公司 whereas the later studies the auction histories of this Japanese famous artist whose works sell billion dollars. In column ‘LOOKBACK’, readers will find a retrospect of all the important art events in 2014 in the disguise of a tabloid, written with humor and wit. BTI team has also done an in depth interview with DIS, a New York based creative team, who shared their crazy ideas and thoughts behind their creation.
To make this BTI more localized 翻譯公司 this issue consists interviews with two important Hong Kong collectors William Lim and Alan Lau. It showcases their collection as well as their strategy in collecting artwork.
Bijutsu Techo international attempts to generate discussion on art topics from different trajectories by reporting the most up-to-date art news and digging out the correlation between art and city in the modern times.
即將失傳的 保存力:勝出的91鐵律![]() | 你是當老闆的料?仍是生成奴才命!職場心理考試告知你![]() | ||
越跑越有錢 皇居慢跑者 翻譯致富思維![]() | 我相信的事(修訂版):博客來書店領悟一句話,人生開始不同![]() | ||
信心密碼:放手做,勇敢錯!讓100萬人自傲升 級的動作指南![]() | 贏在好習慣:贏家與輸家 翻譯不同,常常取決於眇乎小哉的好習慣![]() | ||
自慢7:人生國粹讀本![]() | 英勇的活在當下![]() |
作者: BTI editorial team, Joint Publishing editorial team 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
新功能介紹- 出書社:三聯
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/04/01
- 語言:英文
Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)
即將失傳的 生存力:勝出 翻譯91鐵律![]() | 你是當老闆的料?還是天生奴才命!職場心理測驗告訴你![]() | ||
越跑越有錢 皇居慢跑者的致富思維![]() | 我相信的事(修訂版):貫通一句話,人生起頭分歧![]() | ||
決定信念暗碼:甩手做,大膽錯!讓100萬人自信升 級 翻譯行動指南![]() | 贏在好習慣:贏家與輸家 翻譯差別,往往取決於眇乎小哉的好習慣![]() | ||
自慢7:人生國粹讀本![]() | 英勇的活在當下![]() |
Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)保舉,Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)計議,#GOODS_NAME#比力評選,Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)開箱文,Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)部落客
Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)那裡買,Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)價錢,#GOODS_NAME#特賣會,Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)評選,#GOODS_NAME#部落客 保舉
台北藝術節 室內戶外同步啟動
今年的台北藝術節開幕,來自國內外11檔節目輪番上陣,今天起打頭陣 翻譯是在水源劇場登場的《家的妄想》,由嘉義在地的阮劇團與紀錄片導演莊益增、顏蘭權合作,以嘉義東石一個四口之家的流散為題,探詢人們終生所求的一切 翻譯真實與虛妄 翻譯社
8月1日在大安叢林公園露天音樂台則將推出玫舞擊的《紐扣×紐扣計畫》,由旅外舞者林燕卿、許耀義與劉奕伶協力創作、演出 翻譯社
《家的妄想》最初以紀錄劇場形式為期待,意圖透過莊益增的攝影作品追尋人們對家的想望。導演汪兆謙示意,從客歲起一路馬不絕蹄 翻譯郊野查詢拜訪,翻檢著莊益增鏡頭下的遊民、破敗家境、墳墓等畫面,「我們不休問,對家的妄圖是什麼?也一向想要供應台北概念之外的劇場作品。」
於是,劇中 翻譯四口之家,父親因失業離家出走成了遊民,女兒不甘心困在鄉下所以出走,過世的祖父困在因地層下陷而泡了水 翻譯墳墓無家可歸,最終只留下旁人口中的「外」配,一輩子蹲坐著挖蚵,守著所有人都離開的破裂 翻譯家。
由編舞家何曉玫所策動「旅外舞者回家舞蹈」的紐扣計畫,自2011年起成長至今,從零丁出現舞作 翻譯方式延伸成為《鈕扣×鈕扣計畫》,三位舞者將有自力創作,包孕林燕卿與旅英藝術家合作的〈日.月.犬.鬼〉,劉奕伶與美國演員摩爾(Alden Moore)一路成長的〈噓〉,和許耀義和劇作家麥西(Svatopluk Macek) 翻譯〈Dance in the SYLLABLE〉。何曉玫也將與三位舞者同台共舞〈舞蹈的路上〉。
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Bijutsu Techo Internation Spring Edition (BTI)
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